Why Health Insurance Cost So Much!

Friday, November 13, 2009

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Comparison of Various Models of Health Insurance

Comparison of Various Models of Health Insurance

Paint: The concept of insurance in health financing has evolved through various approaches of the social (social health insurance) and commercial (commercial health insurance). Developing both Dantara Health Insurance is regulated in a World Bank report (1993) recommended to be implemented as a substitute for the principle Commercial / Private Helath Insurance

In Indonesia, the development of social health insurance (Health Insurance / JK) is regulated in Law No. 40 of 2004 on the Social Security System (Forecast) which is one of the program with Accident Compensation Insurance Program (JKK), Security Hari Tua (JHT), Security Death ( JKM) and the Pension Guarantee (JP). JK program held nationally, based on the principle of social insurance and equity. The goal is to provide benefits kesehatran maintenance and protection in meeting the basic needs of health
The principle of social insurance programs in the Forecast includes JK mandatory participation and non-discriminatory for a formal group, based on percentage revenue contribution to be a burden shared between the giver and the recipient's work to some extent, so that there is mutual between rich and poor, high-risk hospital - low, old and young with the benefits of the same medical service (the principle of equity), and accessible services nationally (portability), is comprehensive, with healthcare benefits promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative, including drugs and medical consumable materials. Management is carried out with prudence, nonprofit, transparency and accountability high. Fund of funds mandate program is used as much as possible for the interests of participants.

Specialty programs in the Navigation JK is that the Organizing Board must develop a system of health care, service quality control systems and healthcare payment systems to improve efficiency of health insurance. Organization of health insurance to apply the principles of managed healthcare concept, such as application of the concept of family physicians, the concept of reference, the concept of territory and the prospective payment (Prospective Payment System) as capitation, rates, packages, and DRG's (Diagnosis Related Groups). Drug services provided in accordance with the list and the highest price of medicines, medical materials and consumables specified.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Health Through Financing Social Health Insurance

Health Through Financing Social Health Insurance

Health financing has increased from time to time and felt good weight by government, particularly the business community in general. For that many countries choose the type of health financing system for his people, who applied nationally. The dominant models of implementation adapted to the situation in their respective countries.
Some of the dominant model is:
1. Model of social health insurance (Social Health Insurance). This model was pioneered since Germany under Bismarck in 1882. This model is developed in several European countries, Japan (since 1922) and then to the State, other Asian countries namely the Philippines, Korea, Taiwan etc.. The advantages of this system allows 100% population coverage and the relatively low increase in health service costs.
2. Model of commercial health insurance (Commercial / Private Health Insurance). This model developed in the United States. However, this system failed to reach 100% population coverage. Approximately 38% of the population not included in the system. Besides the cost increases are very large because of moral hazard opportunity. Since the year 1993; by the World Bank recommended the development of a model where the Regulated Health Insurance membership based group with a certain minimum amount requirement, thereby reducing the chance of moral hazard
3. Model NHS (National Health Services) who pioneered the British government since the second world war ended. This model also opens opportunities 100% population coverage. However, health financing is secured through the government budget will be a heavy burden.
Health Insurance

Sick individual risk groups

The law of lsrge number

Uncertainty must


1. Paying Premiums / Fees (Small) Benefit / compensation of large

2. Protect participants from risk (economics)

Among the various models, the social health insurance choice in many countries. The use of the term insurance in this program is because of an aspect of risk transfer (economics) because of illness and the legal requirements the law of the large number. Tendency (universal) from the implementation of social health insurance are:

1. That the social health insurance programs starting from formal groups, labor, and then develop the non-formal groups and self-employed. Program for the poor are often developed as part of a group of non-formal, or developed independently of each depend on state policies. Social health insurance programs in various countries showed an increase throughout the population to access health facilities and the cost control.
2. In many countries, this program begins with several agencies, but organizers will decrease the amount. Starting with the cooperation / coordination among various agencies organizer, then the merger that eventually became a provider agency which conducted a national program (for example; Taiwan, South Korea). Thus the bargaining power greater penyelengara body, while the law the law of the large number is also growing.

The development of social health insurance in many countries has changed the traditional concept of health insurance where the next social health insurance is not only considered as a system of financing but also the health care system. Therefore, the concept of modern social insurance, health insurance programs base their work on two important issues namely; integration of financial systems (financing of healthcare) and system services (delivery of healthcare) are efficient and effective.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Health Insurance Company to the Company's investments Why Smoke?

Health Insurance Company to the Company's investments Why Smoke?

Who would have thought, turned out to insurance companies engaged in the health and life insurance in the United States, Canada, and England, it invests billions of dollars in tobacco companies. According to a report of a study published in the medical journal, The New England Journal of Medicine.

Wesley Boyd, the study's lead author, found at least 4.4 billion dollars in insurance company funds invested in companies associated with tobacco products, cigars, and chewing tobacco (chewing).

"Although the doctors have asked these companies to come out of the cigarette business, but they still take advantage of the health of the people," said Boyd, the faculty at Harvard Medical School. "It is clear, their main priority is to make money, not health care," he wrote.

Tobacco is considered as the main cause of lung cancer and main risk factors for heart attack, stroke, lung disease, and cancer. According to the World Health Organization, tobacco contributed to the 5.4 million deaths per year.

Regarding insurance companies that invest in the tobacco industry, is not really new news. Earlier in the year 1995 it was reported in a British medical journal, Lancet.

"While investing in tobacco companies, while selling life insurance or health, may seem to embarrass myself, but can reap huge profits from those two things is more important for these companies," writes Boyd.

"Insurance does not include protection for smokers, or they charged high premiums. Insurance profit-and loss-smokers twice," said Boyd.

Based on Boyd's report, the U.S. insurance company, Prudential Financial Inc., has 264.3 million U.S. dollar investment in three U.S. tobacco companies, including Reynolds America and Philip Morris. Meanwhile, the Canadian insurer, Sun Life Financial Inc., which sells life insurance policies, disability insurance (disability), and health insurance have a stock portfolio with a value of more than one billion dollars in two tobacco companies, including U.S. $ 890 million in Philip Morris.

Prudential Plc, which sells health insurance policy and disability insurance, has a 1.38 billion U.S. dollars in the two tobacco companies, including British American Tobacco (BAT). The study also details the major investments in tobacco companies from the U.S. insurance company, Northwestern Mutual and Massachusetts Mutual Life, and Scottish companies, Standard Life Plc.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Health Insurance Program and Acting Minister Premium Donate 24 Million

Health Insurance Program and Acting Minister Premium Donate 24 Million

Minister of health insurance programs and certain officials conducted by PT Asuransi Kesehatan Indonesia (Askes) estimated only contributed premiums of USD 24 billion per year. So it was made by Director Askes.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Health Insurance: Provides a Comprehensive Health Insurance Services

Health Insurance: Provides a Comprehensive Health Insurance Services

Health is the pearl of human life. Therefore, employee health and company officials is important. Because disruption of employees 'health is a disruption of employees' health is a disruption of production processes and firm performance.

For that we create products hexa comprehensive health insurance not only to act but also inpatient outpatient measures and prevention. This will improve the performance of the employee because the welfare and health has been protected by Insurance companies, Health and Pensions reliable.

We create products that hexa Health Insurance products include:
  • Hex Managed Care
  • Hex Medicare
  • Hex Hospicare
  • Hex Medicash
  • Hex Global Health Care
  • Hex Senior Care
Range of products designed Hex Health Insurance company needs. For a large group can be designed health insurance program separate hex comprehensive and specific.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

Affordable Health Insurance And Good For You

Affordable health insurance and good for you

One of the problems in our health service is the health financing. Approximately 70 percent of the cost of Indonesia to finance their own doctor or hospital, while health costs continue to rise. Increasingly sophisticated medical technology increasingly expensive health costs.

Increased health costs not only happen in Indonesia, but throughout the world. Factors that increase the cost of the price of medicines, medical equipment, as well as honoraria doctors, although doctors honoraria element is merely a small part of overall health costs.

Although we have health care carefully, the disease can come unexpectedly. Traffic accidents like that of your in-laws, for example, is a frequent event in Indonesia's family, and even some 30,000 people die every year due to traffic accidents. Thus, it is wise to familiarize yourself Indonesia families protect themselves with health insurance. Regularly pay a premium, if fallen ill with the assistance of health insurance that does not burden the family expenses. We often see families who have debt to pay for hospital costs.

Actually, in my experience, today's health insurance in Indonesia is quite good. Support health insurance will depend on agreement between the customer and insurance companies. The greater the premium paid more complete support for insurance.

Therefore, you need to look at the support of health insurance coverage before choosing health insurance. Does coverage include outpatient services and inpatient? Is there a particular disease that is not guaranteed insurance company?

Also to note where the service. Are you able to choose doctors or hospitals you want or are limited to hospitals that have been appointed? All should be noted, including when the guarantee came into force effectively. For example, there are certain health insurance just beginning guarantee after 30 days after the signing of the agreement.

Health insurance services is now very varied. In addition to offering financial guarantees when ill, there is combine them with certain services, such as premiums are paid in part shall be applied as a savings or investment.

This offer is certainly interesting, but usually offered insurance premiums will be greater too. In addition, those who actually join the insurance program at a young age will get some ease, for example, no medical examination required and also to remember insurance premiums will increase with increasing age of the customer. So, come in health insurance at a young age.

Although you and your family will already be a customer of health insurance, healthy lifestyle should remain obliged. It's certainly better than the ill health though health insurance costs are covered. So, do not leave a healthy lifestyle has become a customer even though health insurance.

I understand the challenges facing young families today's Indonesia. I feel glad to place your family's health as an important element that needs attention. Well, I hope you and your family will be healthy and happy always.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Refund A Portion Of Pension Insurance

Refund a portion of pension insurance

Request refund some money for retirement insurance is paid each month can be done after the participants return to your internship country. Will be refunded the money will be transferred through a bank account with a record of apprentice participant in the transfer amount is income after taxes.

Some examples of types of pension insurance :
1. pension annuity insurance contract
2. how 412i insurance pension annuity works
3. employer 412 pension annuity insurance contract
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5. example 412 pension annuity insurance contract
6. health insurance trends for pension plans
7. life insurance corporation pension & group scheme vadodara
8. sample 412 pension annuity insurance contract
9. alexander hamilton 412 pension annuity insurance contract
10. certificate course in pension and insurance massachusetts
11. ecclesiastical insurance pension
12. government pension insurance
13. health insurance for ohio police and fire disability pension
14. pension and benefits insurance brokers maritime provinces
15. uk pension national insurance contribution

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Health Insurance Is Not Expensive And Useful To You

Health insurance is not expensive and useful to you

My in-laws 61-year-old traffic accident and need to undergo brain surgery. Fortunately, the operation went well and he was well again.

Only, he was forced to deplete his savings accumulated for years because of hospital costs up to Rp 20 million. I can not imagine if he had no savings, how the difficulties to be faced.

I just got married a year ago. Although our family only, we are planning a health insurance customers. We feel today's health care costs increasingly expensive and these costs can not be expected. We have insured the car, because it is sensible we also entered the health insurance. Is not God good health is very valuable to be well maintained?

We've had enough health insurance plan and we have contacted several companies. However, we still have difficulty in choosing health insurance. We're being cautious because we're afraid the wrong choice. In terms of funding we have leeway. My wife and I work so that relief funds have to pay insurance premiums.

We are especially careful after hearing many complaints an insurance participants were disappointed with the health insurance services in Indonesia. Some of our acquaintances and even choose a foreign health insurance on the consideration is more reliable and more extensive service coverage. Apparently health insurance services in Indonesia doubt. What was promised was in accordance with the services provided.

He said, at the time offered an insurance policy officer described it easy. If enough customers fell ill just thinking about the pain and the insurance company that will clean up all the costs. In practice, many exceptions that must be considered.

As a doctor who often serve patients who have health insurance, whether the doctor can recommend a company good health insurance? Anything that must be considered before choosing a health insurance? Doctor's advice we needed because I was the financial sector, while the architect's wife. Thus, we lack an understanding of health insurance. Thank you for the explanation Doctor.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Health Insurance Is Right For You

Health insurance is right for you

Provides an umbrella before it rains. That's the right phrase when we have planning in anticipation of the worst in terms of financing, including health. In an age which is too complex, have health insurance seems more important considering the cost of care and treatment more expensive and unpredictable.

The following are types and types of insurance: travel insurance, pet insurance, medical insurance, nationwide insurance, home insurance, affordable health insurance, car insurance quotes, motorcycle insurance, geico insurance, insurance quotes, term life insurance, american family insurance.

Monday, September 14, 2009

3 (Three) Types Of Life Insurance | Health Insurance | Life Insurance

3 (Three) Types Of Life Insurance | Health Insurance | Life Insurance| global health insurance

Basically there are 3 (three) types of life insurance are:
  1. Term Assurance
  2. Whole Life Assurance
  3. Endowment Assurance

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Life Insurance: Global Health Insurance

Life Insurance: global health insurance

Is another type of life insurance that will pay the insured amount when the insured dies at any time. Is a permanent policy is not limited to the policy expiration date as the term assurance. Because the claim was going to happen then the premium will be more expensive than term assurance premiums, where the claim is only possible. Whole-life policy is a substantive and policy is often used as protection in loans.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Socialized Insurance

socialized insurance: global health insurance

In order to join the insurance socialized into the middle of the community. hopefully can become the media contribute to thoughts of insurance professionals who struggled in the field of underwriting and claims. Adequate understanding will make insurance workers can carry out their duties professionally by upholding professional ethics carried.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Why Should Health And Life Insurance

Why Should Health And Life Insurance

Life Insurance and Health Insurance is required primarily for self-employed and informal workers who do not have health insurance from a company or government agency.

An entrepreneur like me if ill or disabled because of an accident will have a lot of financial losses / financially because they have to bear the cost of treatment and can not work for a living. Others as if someone working in a company or a government employee, they usually get health insurance that will cover the cost if the hospital and paid fixed monthly salaries. (But not all companies provide decent health insurance lho)

Before you decide what insurance products, from insurance companies which I highly recommend to compare different products, types of products from several insurance companies. Do not rush to buy insurance products without understanding the clarity of rights and obligations if we take an insurance product.

Some tips from me to choose insurance products:
  • Determine the benefits of whatever protection we need
  • Look for information of insurance products according to our needs by collecting brochures from different companies or websites to find information on insurance companies
  • Ask the agency in more detail about these products as a whole until details of the calculation of the allocation of funds we pay for everything
  • Do not believe what insurance agents say, because they are not necessarily well understood by the products they offer.
  • Ask for an illustration made dicetakkan benefits insurance products, premiums to be paid and the allocation of premiums to be paid wherever
  • Learn the contents of the illustrations in the house with a relaxed and thoroughly, do not rush to conclusions, ask a better idea if there is not yet clear
  • Compare products from various insurance companies, which provide the greatest benefit with the least expensive premiums, but also find out whether the company info bona fide or not
  • Do not just BASED on the best insurance award from a magazine, but you should really know how to calculate the insurance costs
  • Determine your choice of insurance products after all you really understand
  • After determining and deciding to buy an insurance product we will accept an insurance policy that contains a binding agreement between the customer and the insurance company, study the contents policy, customers are usually given 14 days a chance to cancel the policy.
That was a few tips from me so you do not regret one day if you buy an insurance product without really understanding the rights, obligations and comparisons with other products.

One more suggestion I as a customer who had been deceived by an insurance product "Do not buy Life Insurance and Health Unit Link associated with investment". Trust unit-linked products very expensive the cut, you better take health insurance and pure and invest money into Mutual Funds separately.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Trusted World Insurance

Trusted World Insurance, Financial Planning, Financial Best Investment Strategy, Investment & Business Opportunities.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How To Choose The United Insurance Company Reinsurance?

How To Choose The United Insurance Company Reinsurance?

What factors affect the insurance companies in the United States in choosing a reinsurance company? Values whatever they use as a guide? How does the role of broker?

It turned out that the factors most dominant are:
  1. Re companies are financially secure
  2. Easy to work with
  3. Competitive Pricing
  4. Good grades by Rating Agencies
  5. Credible underwriter
  6. Authority underwriters
  7. Consistency of underwriting decisions
  8. Open to negotiation
  9. Always provide choices
  10. Genuine attention
  11. There is no guarantee settlement of claims
  12. Consistency prices
  13. Underwriter accessible
  14. Speed in the handling of documents
  15. Low interaction costs
  16. Superior in Casualty business
  17. Programs have a creative and innovative
  18. Having a large capacity for businesses Casualty
  19. Respected brokers
  20. Having the quality of a good resolution of claims
  21. Has a staff of skilled and flexible
  22. Facultative ability high
  23. Have the ability to do all the programs
  24. Providing solutions that are not common
  25. Has a capacity of multi-line
  26. Can provide a turn-key products
  27. Have the capacity to provide Integrated Products
  28. Has a high capacity for Property business
  29. Having qualified actuary
  30. Data have good actuarial
  31. Having a large capacity for the Property Catastrophe
  32. Have a great capacity for business property
  33. Modeling ability
  34. Have the capability of dynamic financial analysis
What is interesting is the six of the top fifteen factors closely related to inter-personal relationships, proving that the market for the already very complex even inter-personal relationships remain an important factor.

Ranking becomes very important in America because it will affect the position of the enterprise in the capital markets which will lead to financial performance.

The sixth factor related to whether the underwriters Re has sufficient authority or she is still too often seek approval from his superiors.

The order of the sixteenth to thirty are factors about Re's ability to produce products that may be required by the insurance company. Innovations including new programs (17) and provide solutions that are not common (24).

About the role of reinsurance broker, was only 19% of insurance companies that will always use a broker in placing reasuransinya, 25% would rather do it myself and found that nearly 30% of insurance companies in America have no preference whether to always use a broker or not the placement reasuransinya business.

Amid the conditions under which reinsurance broker Broker-merged and consolidated, they showed increased role in the American market. But an increasing number of reinsurance premiums channeled through these brokers are not lacks the increasing role of brokers as the advice to

insurance companies. Insurance companies more in need of a broker because they know well the reinsurance market, not because of their ability to give advice on how to run an insurance company (one of the functions is a trend that brokers in the USA).

One of the most desirable condition by insurance companies in America is a condition in which the reinsurance companies are willing and able to understand the philosophy of underwriting, claims and their corporate objectives. And this may be obtained if the approach taken by the reinsurance companies conducted in an atmosphere of the approach as a valuable partner rather than as a seller and buyer.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Health Insurance Claims

Health insurance claims

Addressed all your Medicare claims to the Company through the agency of Allianz madeallianz. This will help us in doing archiving files and accompaniment claim process very well.

It is important. That having health insurance, it does not solve the entire problem of financial risk your health. Because health insurance only protects the insured terhadp health risks that may be occurring in the future, rather than risk the obvious and has occurred. In this case, health insurance products must have a general provision called the Health Insurance Policy Exclusions. Based on our experience during this assistance, it is suggested that do not use your entire health budget to buy Health Insurance policy. Set aside 25% as a reserve to cover the things that may be excluded in your health insurance policy. Although we have delivered in the beginning, but it remains unpaid claims will be things that are fun for customers as well as agents madeallianz companion.

Health insurance is a very unique, because it has a limited exemption in addition to policyholders, claims the process is happening in dire need of extra service commitment. This is one thing that can not be measured in terms of quantity or value of the premium. madeallianz fully aware, that the assistance we do claim that it is not easy. However, this remains our focus to provide the BEST at customer support madeallianz with.

Have Health Insurance Claims Rates Very High and Complex

Have health insurance claims rates very high and complex. Therefore, make sure you choose an insurance agent who can provide assistance in intensive claims process.

The process is the moment of proof claim insurance on the insured promises. This is the main thing will be a customer focus, escort agencies, and companies. In this case, to reconcile the rights and obligations of customer (the insured) with the rights and obligations of the company (insurer). When, all the terms and conditions have been fulfilled according to claim Medicare policy, then none of the insurance company can deny the claim or not paying the benefits protection. All is explained in detail in the Policy book and every insurance policy has a guarantee of legal certainty in the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.

Communicate always against all things which your insurance needs to madeallianz (Including Health Insurance CLAIM you), so we get the opportunity to provide professional mentoring & committed. Has become our daily activities to always serve and assist Customer from beginning the process of buying, the filing of the claim until the realization of the payment of claims. We are confident, sincere commitment to this profession will build long-term relationship that is more meaningful to get to SUCCESS.

Allianz Health Insurance For Individuals and Collection of Employees

Allianz health insurance for individuals and collection of Employees

There are also employee welfare programs (Employee Benefit)
such as: Life Insurance collection, Severance Fund, and Financial Institutions Pension Fund.

Health insurance is the insurance needs of the most important before you have an insurance program and other investments. Since health is your basic capital to perform various activities of this life. The high pollution and the capital of the pattern of life needs no regular exercise and rest is not enough, as well as eating more instant now, all of that to further improve the HEALTH RISK. Thus, opportunities for the sick person is very high. While health or medical costs are increasingly expensive, especially the cost of hospital and medical supplies. Therefore, immediately protect yourself, family or employees with health insurance program BEST.

In general, the product consists of Health Insurance Benefit Health and Health. These two products have a very fundamental difference.

Health insurance will provide reimbursement based on the receipt of medical bills, according to plan health insurance policy benefits. Health Insurance Benefit Cross can be done, namely make a claim to more than one insurance company or the remainder of the difference in just using a copy of a file that has been legalized by the previous insurance.

Health Benefit will provide appropriate reimbursement amount per contract is planned every day patient inapnya. This health benefit can do Double Benefit, which is double the claim to more than one insurance company to the benefit of each intact. This may be a substitute for compensation of lost income per day due to risk of hospitalization.

Main advantage of all the products of Allianz Health Insurance:

  • Standard QUALITY service and has experienced many years of directly managing their own health insurance programs and individual collection. This professional system called "Allianz Health Care Management".
  • 24-hour protection 365 days since the beginning of membership (without the waiting period).
  • Available options with claims in the cashless card system hospital providers and Reimbursement systems in all hospitals / clinics in the world without exception.
  • Available Network Provider Hospitals Allianz very broad (approximately 400-an) in the entire territory of Indonesia.
  • Available Network Provider Hospitals ad-Medika which is also very widespread in all parts of Indonesia.
  • There are products for individuals and group health insurance as well as Sharia.
  • Available options are very complete protection, such as Inpatient, Street, Maternity, Dental, and Glass Eye.
  • The claim is certain, namely a maximum 14 working days since the file is received complete by the central office.
  • Assistance claims by insurance agents madeallianz with team support and team dealer claims that progress reports be submitted online at the Customer Website.
Health Care Management System is doing some things IMPORTANT:

  • Pre authorization to ensure patients are participants who are still in the health insurance Allianz Insurance policies and benefits provided in accordance with the Plan Benefit in policy.
  • Quality Management Services to establish conditions for service providers throughout the hospital in accordance with the provisions of services the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and regularly audit the quality of services received by participants.
  • Service 24 hours / day with 365 call center systems are ready to give assistance and complaints of participants in a consistent and professional.
ADVANTAGE addition to Allianz Health Insurance:

Individual health insurance
  • Violet Maxi program can cover the entire nuclear family members in a health insurance policy.
  • Have insurance policy renewal until the age of 70 years (Article 2 point 6 of: "Can Extended Warranty Insurance Policy or Renewebility Guaranteed Policy")
  • Has Plan Inpatient, Outpatient, Maternity Care, and Outpatient dental benefits to groups 1,000,000 / day.
  • Inner Benefit Has a very comprehensive with a broader restriction.
  • Benefit Claims which are not limited to its accumulation in a year or without a maximum annual limit.
  • Available options in the program and the rupiah currency U.S. Dollar.
  • Available options Sharia Health Insurance Program and non-Sharia.
  • Facilities can claim to use cashless card systems with provider hospitals and Ad-medika Reimbursement system from any hospital around the world without exception.
  • Progress claims via SMS to Mobile customer at any time by the head office to claim the Reimbursement system.
  • There are many interesting DISCOUNTS for no claim bonus, family packages, and package savings protection.
CAUSE Health Insurance in the separation with the Life Insurance?
  • Inflation is very high on the cost of doctors, hospitals and drug prices, and all that obatannya unpredictable or calculated at the beginning, especially for planning the next decades. Thus, if there are adjustments to future insurance costs due to inflation, it will not alter the balance of illustrations that Link Units we agreed at the beginning. This will give a sense of security that much better and do not affect each other on each plan.
  • CLAIM health insurance is very high, so that the customer requires a commitment of more intensive assistance. If the service agencies and assistance or not the company's commitment in line with expectations at the beginning, then buy a separate policy will provide flexibility that is far better to conduct the evaluation.
Health Insurance Collection
  • This product is very flexible Smarthealth (tailormade), because it could be adjustments to the various things to find the appropriate premium to the company's needs and budget.
  • Exceptions Allianz Health Insurance Policy that is more simple and clear, where there are no exceptions to specific diseases or specific drug.
  • Has Plan Inpatient, Outpatient, Maternity Care, Care of teeth, and glass eyes to the benefits 1,200,000 / day.
  • The minimum membership is 10 participants (not employees).
  • Facilities claim to use Allianz cashless card using the hospital network providers directly managed by Allianz (not by third parties), where the difference is paid by Allianz claims that later in the bill to the company.
  • Also available Claim facility using cashless card ad-Medika, where the difference between claims paid directly by the participants.
  • Available Limmit iner systems, limitiations Annual, and As Charge.
  • Available product choices in rupiah and U.S. dollar.
  • And there is a slot other facilities.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Personal Insurance Consultant Bali

PIC Bali or extension of the Personal Insurance Consultant Bali, is the Mediator Insurance Services provider.

Between Various Other Insurance Products:

Individual and Group Programs / Corporate with Insured Warranty is: Inpatient, Outpatient, Maternity, Dental, Glasses. This program is having an Individual & Group Insurance Program in Hospital Care with System 2 is:
  1. Cashless (Exit Without Money Again)
  2. Reimbursement (Pay Once, In Claim Later)
To guarantee the Top Guaranteed by Leading Insurance Companies and Best in Local & International Indonesia. To That You Do not Have to Doubt For Guaranteed.

To Offer Contact:
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Jl. Tukad Balian, Renon, Denpasar - Bali
Tel. 0361-8622818 and Hp. 0818495779

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Protected Member DBS Insurance / Accident

Protected member DBS Insurance / Accident

Insurance is a system for lowering the risk of financial loss. Insurance is important enough to protect ourselves from these things is not unexpected that we want, such as accidents whether minor accidents or accidents that may result terrenggutnya soul.

All members will be protected DBS Insurance / Accident.
  • ID Card Holder with Logo CCI other than acting as a discount card you can now enjoy the facility as a life insurance policy RIGHTS / ACCIDENTS.
  • Polis card is valid for life and not be transferable, with accountability for the money amounting to Rp. 10.000.000, - (ten million rupiah) valid for one person.
About Life Insurance / Accident of DBS:
  1. All new members registered with CCI card, will immediately get the facility Insurance (Accident) Free * equivalent BRIngin Life with sum assured (UP) worth Rp. 10.000.000, -. So that members do not have to wait to get 1 Reward Points to obtain life insurance protection (accident), simply register DBS with CCI card.
  2. Insurance is not transferable. Insurance only applies to the first registered member of DBS CCI card. not a member fox profile. This means that all the new member of DBS with CCI card protected Casualty Insurance, from 1 November 2008 - onwards.
  3. Life Insurance only protects the insured / member of DBS on the risks caused by the accident. The definition of accident in this provision is injured or wounded body is not the disease.
  4. Protected member insurance after 1 month listed s / d: *1 year for members who register with 1 HU CCI card * 5 years for members who register with CCI card * All my life is for members who sign up directly 7 HU (CCI + 1 Card Reg Card 6).
  5. Card DBS logo CCI member is Card Accident Insurance Policy.
Claims procedures, participants make a claim to the Office of PT. DFI to include:
  • Certificate from the Police Accident.
  • Certificate of Hospital Care.
  • To Claim A Risks include Death Certificate from RT / RW & local Kelurahan.
For the insured member who is outside the city of Bandung, please file claims in the fax to the number 022-87241427. Then confirm by phone to the number 022-87241426. Claims will be processed by no later than 7 working days. So certainly not going to join DBS loss 7 HU, protected Casualty Insurance / Life for life.

Life Insurance Income Growth 5.2%

Life Insurance Income Growth 5.2%

Performance of national insurance in the fourth quarter (Q4) in 2008 recorded a total premium income of Rp 46.7 trillion or 5.2 percent growth compared to the same period (Q4) in 2007 valued at Rp 44.4 trillion.

Life insurance business data Q4-2008 (unaudit) was followed by 36 life insurance companies, consisting of 21 national insurance companies and 15 joint venture life insurance company (joint venture). For information the number of insurance companies that are members AAJI is currently 45 companies.

Chairman of Indonesian Life Insurance Association (AAJI) Evelina Pietruschka rate of income increase national insurance premium fee that is low can not be separated from the influence of the global crisis. The crisis that started from the economic collapse in Indonesia and many countries.

"So not only the insurance sector which experienced a decline like that," said Evelina in a press conference in Jakarta, Thursday (5 / 3).

For the new production of premium income (new business) a decline of 1.4 percent or Rp 30.2 trillion compared to the same period of Q2-2007 amounting to Rp 30.6 trillion.
New premium income Unit Link products increased 0.5 percent to Rp 13.93 trillion in Q4-2007 to Rp 13.86 trillion. Premium advanced (renewal) rose 19.9 percent, or Rp 16.5 trillion, compared to Q4-2007 to reach Rp 13.8 trillion.

AIA Financial Accident Insurance Share

AIA Financial accident insurance share

Rebranding the AIA AIG Life Financial on June 1, 2009 was marked by personal accident insurance (personal accident) 440,000 free of charge to individual customers throughout the country. Personal accident insurance provided with the sum assured Rp25 million for a year to each customer is also given to coincide with the anniversary of the company to 26.

"In appreciation and thanks we give added value to customers with personal accident insurance. Syaratnya simply return the form to us before July 31, 2009," said Director of Marketing & Corporate Communication PT AIA Financial Lucy Pandjaitan today. Accident insurance protection considered important because the data based on Directorate General of Land Transportation Department of Transportation last year declared each year is estimated 17,000 deaths due to traffic accidents.

Lucy highlights the changes its name to the AIA Financial crisis is not caused by the body corporate. "We changed the name not because of illness, we were very solid and the change of name was greeted positively by the sales force and our policyholders,".

Accident Insurance Claim swell

Accident Insurance Claim swell

Casualty insurance claims paid traffic PT Jasa Raharja East Java Branch swelling, following enactment of the Minister of Finance Decree No. 36 Year 2008 on the Great Benefit and Contribution Compulsory Traffic Accident Fund. Head of PT Jasa Raharja Branch East Java, Sutadji, Wednesday, mentioning, insurance claims paid in the period January-July 2009 was recorded already reached Rp149 billion.

"It's only until July 2009. Not later during Lebaran forth season that is expected to increase dramatically," he said.

Throughout 2008, PT Jasa Raharja Java branch insurance claims have been paid Rp195 billion of which around 30 percent of them paid to traffic accident victims Lebaran forth.

"It is estimated this year that number will increase again because there was an increase in insurance claim payment as set forth in Permenkeu 36/2008," she said.

The government has set up an insurance claim for the victim died from a previous accident Rp10 million to Rp20 million is raised, the victims were injured from Rp 5 million to Rp 10 million, and burial expenses from Rp1 million to Rp2 million. Sutadji explained, accident case is dominated by two-wheeled vehicle to take 70 percent share of the total cases of accidents during Lebaran forth.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Health Insurance, Need No Yes?

Health Insurance, Need No Yes?

Health insurance - I am sure every sane person, would want and want to be healthy, various efforts were made by us to maintain health and fitness of our body, ranging from exercise, adequate rest, eating nutritious foods, avoid alcohol, reduce or even avoid cigarettes. But if all that was enough? a study showing that stress people tend to be easily attacked by diseases.

As we know the stress levels of residents in urban areas tend to be higher than the level of stress in the region, the situation today as the day in Jakarta traffic, the level of competition leading to pressure and demands at work are also higher, other things such as price increases basic goods, the threat of layoffs tend to make us even more stressful.

This is also exacerbated by air pollution is increasingly not karuan, so in short our lives more at risk for diseases that cause us to be admitted to hospital, if only a mild illness just maybe this is not a big problem for us, but what if we have to surgery?

Indeed today we are all in good health, but who can ensure our health condition 5 (five), 10 (ten) and 20 (twenty) years in the future? not to mention the health costs always go up from year to year, based on the estimated increase in health costs in Indonesia average 10% per year.

So the more important for us to always keep our bodies health and provide emergency funding if the pain went, but ironically we are so far just to feel healthy healthy sometimes ignored and not set aside an emergency fund so when we pain was surprised to see the costs. many who thought that hospital costs low as what he remembers, without knowing that there was an increase in cost increases.

The question now is where your emergency funds allocated? If the answer is Good Health Insurance for you, now your task is to keep your body's health to maximum so that we can live healthily for a long time but when age began to dusk when the disease can not be avoided we can go Hospitals and expenses paid by Medicare.

But it needs to be noted for those of you who already have health insurance, please review the health insurance policy you see the benefits provided by your health insurance before you regret it if one day when it claims was a replacement and health insurance protection provided is inadequate, so the cost of we must own risk much greater.

This is where the benefits of Protector Plus Health Rider, this Rider only gives complete solutions to anticipate health problems, because the Health Protector Plus provides appropriate reimbursement for costs charges and doctor's surgery, one for general practitioners and other specialists to visit once a day. Health protection is also provided home day replacement surgery, according to the bill.

Protector Plus Health Rider also provides for your health card that can be used at Partners hospitals are spread across major cities in Indonesia, so if you use your health card does not need to pay deposits incriminating enough for us in time of emergency.

About appropriate health card bill and it is not something new, previously health insurance (from general insurance) that also provides appropriate protection bill. So, perhaps a great Protector Health compared with other insurance, but what great compared to other public health insurance?

Let's see: the public health insurance 1-year term. Every year must be renewed, and becomes increasingly difficult when the ages are getting older even though the body remains in good health. As we know someone older age and then tend to easily vulnerable to various diseases. Therefore, public health insurance can not be relied upon to provide long-term protection, especially until the age of 75 years!

The fact that the Health Rider Protector Plus provides other value-added, cost riders from investment results, where the return on investment high proven for this product is launched, much higher than bank interest. If you look at compound interest formula, of course you understand that the difference in interest is not calculated in a linear but exponentially, so that the necessary expenses.

In more simple terms: in the long term, the investment results sufficient to cover all medical expenses. At the end of a certain period (eg 10 years), people can take back all the funds already spent plus interest. Meaning: a FREE health protection during that period!

We call Health Protector Power! Of course, it would be wonderful if we stay healthy until death before, but if not, we know that protection was available well into old age.

Radiation Health Insurance

Radiation Health insurance

With the increasing use of radioactive substances and the possibility of accidents or unwanted effects, there is radiation and health insurance as a doctor who worked at the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN Serpong), I wanted to share the knowledge about the effects of ionizing radiation and prevention guidelines in the event of radiation accidents.
  • Radiation Accident Response Guide
  • Interna contamination and Acute Radiation Effects

Child Education Insurance

Child Education Insurance: Prudential Insurance

Insurance Education Children, Children PRU Islamic Education Plan: Insurance education for the sons and daughters beloved

Already thinking about the future of your baby? prepare future early child, give the best for the child - your child can grow up, get the best education and must be successful, more successful than your own, that's a smart old man, scored Generation - generation of superior nation. It is now the Government has been promoting Free Schools campaign? school udah Free? what right? Yes that registration Free! but the parents still prepare budgets for the cost of purchasing books, uniforms, fees, etc. libraries. This program is intended for educational equity in the country, so that educational programs could be expanded to many areas, the better the quality of education, and be affordable for many families in terms of the spread of education Indonesia.Dari are good, but it also means high demand for learning -- is the absolute height, the days of your children grow up, kids - your kids will be competing with its neighbor to look for work, looking for his future will be increasingly competitive.

Now, elementary or junior high school graduates rather than more expensive value, the same high school graduates now just graduated junior high, high school graduates, graduates of the same S 1 right now, let alone a graduate of S 1 it is now the number've much to learn until High education S1, S 2 , S3, S 4, S 5, it requires a large cost, if you do not prepare early, it will be increasingly difficult to realize it.

Or consideration of a more positive way, education funding programs Prepare your child for the capital early on to study at the school - the school of choice. For example: her nursery school in grade school wrote, his elementary school, his junior high school, his high school, his lecture at the University Classy and Famous. Options - the choice is not always a choice, so you have to do The Specials also to son - daughter early anda.Semakin better, more funds are collected, the greater the assurance your child's educational well-organized, the more light you run your obligations as a person old.

Ok, now I just call, state your name and your child's name, your age and the age of your child, would I make illustrations of the Prudential Insurance Education, it will file an illustration I will send immediately to your email.

Serious planning Children Education Fund, Protect Your Family, I am ready to help you succeed in planning children's education.

Motor Vehicle Insurance

Motor Vehicle Insurance

Motor vehicle population is causing increasing levels of traffic accidents also increased, even according to police data, traffic accident is a "killer machine" especially in Yogyakarta, "no day without a traffic accident". Therefore, driving without insurance is a very high risk.

Understanding of Motor Vehicle Insurance

Motorized vehicles are motorcycles or motor-driven or other mechanical and licensed for use on public roads which became the subject of coverage, such as Motorcycles, Cars various types of sedans, minibuses, double cabin, truck, bus, truck and etc.

Guarantee Policy generally refers to Standard Insurance Policy Motor Vehicle Insurance Indonesia (PSAKBI) and insurance companies usually sell it in the form of guarantee package with some additional benefits.

Comprehensive Security Package - Motor Vehicle Insurance:
  • Security for collision, crash, upside down, sliding, or fall;
  • Security for misconduct, theft and fire
  • Security for riots and strikes
  • Security for Natural Disasters such as Hurricane Winds, Hurricane, Flood, Earthquake, Volcano Eruption and Tsunami
  • Security for Theft by Driver
  • Security for Legal Liability of Third Parties (Limit Rp10, 000,000)
  • Self Accident Insurance for driver and passenger (Limit Rp10, 000,000 per person)
  • Security for Medical Costs (Limit of Rp1, 000,000 per person)

Accident Insurance

Accident Insurance: Health Insurance

Personal Accident Insurance Program is an insurance program that provides coverage for the risk of accidents resulting in injury (body injury) or death caused by an event which comes suddenly, unexpected, coming from outside, is not desired and there is no element of deliberate of the event.

Accident insurance guarantee is valid for 24 hours with a grouping of risk as follows:
  1. Risk A: Dead paid 100% JUP.
  2. Risk B:
  • Total Permanent Disability, the loss of function of both eyes, both legs, both hands, one eye one leg, one eye one hand, one hand one foot, payable 100% JUP.
  • Part of Permanent Disability, which is based on the percentage change in the table.
3. Risk C: Replacement of all medical expenses / treatment in hospital as a result of an accident resulting in injury / illness that requires hospitalization, paid a maximum of 10% JUP.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Insurance Waiver of Premium Plus

Insurance Waiver of Premium Plus (WOP +)

Benefit from additional insurance is the exemption WOP premium payments according to the current product in case of total permanent disability due to the insured by accident or illness or being diagnosed with one of 24 critical illnesses.

Insurance Waiver of Premium

Insurance Waiver of Premium (WOP)

Benefit from additional insurance is the exemption WOP premium payments according to the current product in case of total permanent disability due to the insured by accident or disease.

Insurance Total Permanent Disability

Insurance Total Permanent Disability (TPD)

Over 24 Hours a day we give you protection from total permanent disability, if you suffer total permanent disability due to accident or illness then we pay 100% of Sum Insured TPD.
Your insurance continue to run until the insurance expires.

Insurance Accidental Death And Disablement Benefit

Insurance Accidental Death & Disablement Benefit (ADDB)

The accident is not something that is expected but when it happens, Riders gives you additional protection from the Permanent Disability and Death due to accidents. 100% Money ADDB Insured will we give the world if the insured die or total permanent disability due to accident or a percentage of the Sum Insured (as table) if the insured suffers permanent disability in part because of an accident.