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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Accident Insurance Claim swell

Accident Insurance Claim swell

Casualty insurance claims paid traffic PT Jasa Raharja East Java Branch swelling, following enactment of the Minister of Finance Decree No. 36 Year 2008 on the Great Benefit and Contribution Compulsory Traffic Accident Fund. Head of PT Jasa Raharja Branch East Java, Sutadji, Wednesday, mentioning, insurance claims paid in the period January-July 2009 was recorded already reached Rp149 billion.

"It's only until July 2009. Not later during Lebaran forth season that is expected to increase dramatically," he said.

Throughout 2008, PT Jasa Raharja Java branch insurance claims have been paid Rp195 billion of which around 30 percent of them paid to traffic accident victims Lebaran forth.

"It is estimated this year that number will increase again because there was an increase in insurance claim payment as set forth in Permenkeu 36/2008," she said.

The government has set up an insurance claim for the victim died from a previous accident Rp10 million to Rp20 million is raised, the victims were injured from Rp 5 million to Rp 10 million, and burial expenses from Rp1 million to Rp2 million. Sutadji explained, accident case is dominated by two-wheeled vehicle to take 70 percent share of the total cases of accidents during Lebaran forth.

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