Why Health Insurance Cost So Much!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Affordable Health Insurance And Good For You

Affordable health insurance and good for you

One of the problems in our health service is the health financing. Approximately 70 percent of the cost of Indonesia to finance their own doctor or hospital, while health costs continue to rise. Increasingly sophisticated medical technology increasingly expensive health costs.

Increased health costs not only happen in Indonesia, but throughout the world. Factors that increase the cost of the price of medicines, medical equipment, as well as honoraria doctors, although doctors honoraria element is merely a small part of overall health costs.

Although we have health care carefully, the disease can come unexpectedly. Traffic accidents like that of your in-laws, for example, is a frequent event in Indonesia's family, and even some 30,000 people die every year due to traffic accidents. Thus, it is wise to familiarize yourself Indonesia families protect themselves with health insurance. Regularly pay a premium, if fallen ill with the assistance of health insurance that does not burden the family expenses. We often see families who have debt to pay for hospital costs.

Actually, in my experience, today's health insurance in Indonesia is quite good. Support health insurance will depend on agreement between the customer and insurance companies. The greater the premium paid more complete support for insurance.

Therefore, you need to look at the support of health insurance coverage before choosing health insurance. Does coverage include outpatient services and inpatient? Is there a particular disease that is not guaranteed insurance company?

Also to note where the service. Are you able to choose doctors or hospitals you want or are limited to hospitals that have been appointed? All should be noted, including when the guarantee came into force effectively. For example, there are certain health insurance just beginning guarantee after 30 days after the signing of the agreement.

Health insurance services is now very varied. In addition to offering financial guarantees when ill, there is combine them with certain services, such as premiums are paid in part shall be applied as a savings or investment.

This offer is certainly interesting, but usually offered insurance premiums will be greater too. In addition, those who actually join the insurance program at a young age will get some ease, for example, no medical examination required and also to remember insurance premiums will increase with increasing age of the customer. So, come in health insurance at a young age.

Although you and your family will already be a customer of health insurance, healthy lifestyle should remain obliged. It's certainly better than the ill health though health insurance costs are covered. So, do not leave a healthy lifestyle has become a customer even though health insurance.

I understand the challenges facing young families today's Indonesia. I feel glad to place your family's health as an important element that needs attention. Well, I hope you and your family will be healthy and happy always.