Why Health Insurance Cost So Much!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Health Insurance, Need No Yes?

Health Insurance, Need No Yes?

Health insurance - I am sure every sane person, would want and want to be healthy, various efforts were made by us to maintain health and fitness of our body, ranging from exercise, adequate rest, eating nutritious foods, avoid alcohol, reduce or even avoid cigarettes. But if all that was enough? a study showing that stress people tend to be easily attacked by diseases.

As we know the stress levels of residents in urban areas tend to be higher than the level of stress in the region, the situation today as the day in Jakarta traffic, the level of competition leading to pressure and demands at work are also higher, other things such as price increases basic goods, the threat of layoffs tend to make us even more stressful.

This is also exacerbated by air pollution is increasingly not karuan, so in short our lives more at risk for diseases that cause us to be admitted to hospital, if only a mild illness just maybe this is not a big problem for us, but what if we have to surgery?

Indeed today we are all in good health, but who can ensure our health condition 5 (five), 10 (ten) and 20 (twenty) years in the future? not to mention the health costs always go up from year to year, based on the estimated increase in health costs in Indonesia average 10% per year.

So the more important for us to always keep our bodies health and provide emergency funding if the pain went, but ironically we are so far just to feel healthy healthy sometimes ignored and not set aside an emergency fund so when we pain was surprised to see the costs. many who thought that hospital costs low as what he remembers, without knowing that there was an increase in cost increases.

The question now is where your emergency funds allocated? If the answer is Good Health Insurance for you, now your task is to keep your body's health to maximum so that we can live healthily for a long time but when age began to dusk when the disease can not be avoided we can go Hospitals and expenses paid by Medicare.

But it needs to be noted for those of you who already have health insurance, please review the health insurance policy you see the benefits provided by your health insurance before you regret it if one day when it claims was a replacement and health insurance protection provided is inadequate, so the cost of we must own risk much greater.

This is where the benefits of Protector Plus Health Rider, this Rider only gives complete solutions to anticipate health problems, because the Health Protector Plus provides appropriate reimbursement for costs charges and doctor's surgery, one for general practitioners and other specialists to visit once a day. Health protection is also provided home day replacement surgery, according to the bill.

Protector Plus Health Rider also provides for your health card that can be used at Partners hospitals are spread across major cities in Indonesia, so if you use your health card does not need to pay deposits incriminating enough for us in time of emergency.

About appropriate health card bill and it is not something new, previously health insurance (from general insurance) that also provides appropriate protection bill. So, perhaps a great Protector Health compared with other insurance, but what great compared to other public health insurance?

Let's see: the public health insurance 1-year term. Every year must be renewed, and becomes increasingly difficult when the ages are getting older even though the body remains in good health. As we know someone older age and then tend to easily vulnerable to various diseases. Therefore, public health insurance can not be relied upon to provide long-term protection, especially until the age of 75 years!

The fact that the Health Rider Protector Plus provides other value-added, cost riders from investment results, where the return on investment high proven for this product is launched, much higher than bank interest. If you look at compound interest formula, of course you understand that the difference in interest is not calculated in a linear but exponentially, so that the necessary expenses.

In more simple terms: in the long term, the investment results sufficient to cover all medical expenses. At the end of a certain period (eg 10 years), people can take back all the funds already spent plus interest. Meaning: a FREE health protection during that period!

We call Health Protector Power! Of course, it would be wonderful if we stay healthy until death before, but if not, we know that protection was available well into old age.

Radiation Health Insurance

Radiation Health insurance

With the increasing use of radioactive substances and the possibility of accidents or unwanted effects, there is radiation and health insurance as a doctor who worked at the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN Serpong), I wanted to share the knowledge about the effects of ionizing radiation and prevention guidelines in the event of radiation accidents.
  • Radiation Accident Response Guide
  • Interna contamination and Acute Radiation Effects

Child Education Insurance

Child Education Insurance: Prudential Insurance

Insurance Education Children, Children PRU Islamic Education Plan: Insurance education for the sons and daughters beloved

Already thinking about the future of your baby? prepare future early child, give the best for the child - your child can grow up, get the best education and must be successful, more successful than your own, that's a smart old man, scored Generation - generation of superior nation. It is now the Government has been promoting Free Schools campaign? school udah Free? what right? Yes that registration Free! but the parents still prepare budgets for the cost of purchasing books, uniforms, fees, etc. libraries. This program is intended for educational equity in the country, so that educational programs could be expanded to many areas, the better the quality of education, and be affordable for many families in terms of the spread of education Indonesia.Dari are good, but it also means high demand for learning -- is the absolute height, the days of your children grow up, kids - your kids will be competing with its neighbor to look for work, looking for his future will be increasingly competitive.

Now, elementary or junior high school graduates rather than more expensive value, the same high school graduates now just graduated junior high, high school graduates, graduates of the same S 1 right now, let alone a graduate of S 1 it is now the number've much to learn until High education S1, S 2 , S3, S 4, S 5, it requires a large cost, if you do not prepare early, it will be increasingly difficult to realize it.

Or consideration of a more positive way, education funding programs Prepare your child for the capital early on to study at the school - the school of choice. For example: her nursery school in grade school wrote, his elementary school, his junior high school, his high school, his lecture at the University Classy and Famous. Options - the choice is not always a choice, so you have to do The Specials also to son - daughter early anda.Semakin better, more funds are collected, the greater the assurance your child's educational well-organized, the more light you run your obligations as a person old.

Ok, now I just call, state your name and your child's name, your age and the age of your child, would I make illustrations of the Prudential Insurance Education, it will file an illustration I will send immediately to your email.

Serious planning Children Education Fund, Protect Your Family, I am ready to help you succeed in planning children's education.

Motor Vehicle Insurance

Motor Vehicle Insurance

Motor vehicle population is causing increasing levels of traffic accidents also increased, even according to police data, traffic accident is a "killer machine" especially in Yogyakarta, "no day without a traffic accident". Therefore, driving without insurance is a very high risk.

Understanding of Motor Vehicle Insurance

Motorized vehicles are motorcycles or motor-driven or other mechanical and licensed for use on public roads which became the subject of coverage, such as Motorcycles, Cars various types of sedans, minibuses, double cabin, truck, bus, truck and etc.

Guarantee Policy generally refers to Standard Insurance Policy Motor Vehicle Insurance Indonesia (PSAKBI) and insurance companies usually sell it in the form of guarantee package with some additional benefits.

Comprehensive Security Package - Motor Vehicle Insurance:
  • Security for collision, crash, upside down, sliding, or fall;
  • Security for misconduct, theft and fire
  • Security for riots and strikes
  • Security for Natural Disasters such as Hurricane Winds, Hurricane, Flood, Earthquake, Volcano Eruption and Tsunami
  • Security for Theft by Driver
  • Security for Legal Liability of Third Parties (Limit Rp10, 000,000)
  • Self Accident Insurance for driver and passenger (Limit Rp10, 000,000 per person)
  • Security for Medical Costs (Limit of Rp1, 000,000 per person)

Accident Insurance

Accident Insurance: Health Insurance

Personal Accident Insurance Program is an insurance program that provides coverage for the risk of accidents resulting in injury (body injury) or death caused by an event which comes suddenly, unexpected, coming from outside, is not desired and there is no element of deliberate of the event.

Accident insurance guarantee is valid for 24 hours with a grouping of risk as follows:
  1. Risk A: Dead paid 100% JUP.
  2. Risk B:
  • Total Permanent Disability, the loss of function of both eyes, both legs, both hands, one eye one leg, one eye one hand, one hand one foot, payable 100% JUP.
  • Part of Permanent Disability, which is based on the percentage change in the table.
3. Risk C: Replacement of all medical expenses / treatment in hospital as a result of an accident resulting in injury / illness that requires hospitalization, paid a maximum of 10% JUP.