Why Health Insurance Cost So Much!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Health Through Financing Social Health Insurance

Health Through Financing Social Health Insurance

Health financing has increased from time to time and felt good weight by government, particularly the business community in general. For that many countries choose the type of health financing system for his people, who applied nationally. The dominant models of implementation adapted to the situation in their respective countries.
Some of the dominant model is:
1. Model of social health insurance (Social Health Insurance). This model was pioneered since Germany under Bismarck in 1882. This model is developed in several European countries, Japan (since 1922) and then to the State, other Asian countries namely the Philippines, Korea, Taiwan etc.. The advantages of this system allows 100% population coverage and the relatively low increase in health service costs.
2. Model of commercial health insurance (Commercial / Private Health Insurance). This model developed in the United States. However, this system failed to reach 100% population coverage. Approximately 38% of the population not included in the system. Besides the cost increases are very large because of moral hazard opportunity. Since the year 1993; by the World Bank recommended the development of a model where the Regulated Health Insurance membership based group with a certain minimum amount requirement, thereby reducing the chance of moral hazard
3. Model NHS (National Health Services) who pioneered the British government since the second world war ended. This model also opens opportunities 100% population coverage. However, health financing is secured through the government budget will be a heavy burden.
Health Insurance

Sick individual risk groups

The law of lsrge number

Uncertainty must


1. Paying Premiums / Fees (Small) Benefit / compensation of large

2. Protect participants from risk (economics)

Among the various models, the social health insurance choice in many countries. The use of the term insurance in this program is because of an aspect of risk transfer (economics) because of illness and the legal requirements the law of the large number. Tendency (universal) from the implementation of social health insurance are:

1. That the social health insurance programs starting from formal groups, labor, and then develop the non-formal groups and self-employed. Program for the poor are often developed as part of a group of non-formal, or developed independently of each depend on state policies. Social health insurance programs in various countries showed an increase throughout the population to access health facilities and the cost control.
2. In many countries, this program begins with several agencies, but organizers will decrease the amount. Starting with the cooperation / coordination among various agencies organizer, then the merger that eventually became a provider agency which conducted a national program (for example; Taiwan, South Korea). Thus the bargaining power greater penyelengara body, while the law the law of the large number is also growing.

The development of social health insurance in many countries has changed the traditional concept of health insurance where the next social health insurance is not only considered as a system of financing but also the health care system. Therefore, the concept of modern social insurance, health insurance programs base their work on two important issues namely; integration of financial systems (financing of healthcare) and system services (delivery of healthcare) are efficient and effective.