Why Health Insurance Cost So Much!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Health Insurance Company to the Company's investments Why Smoke?

Health Insurance Company to the Company's investments Why Smoke?

Who would have thought, turned out to insurance companies engaged in the health and life insurance in the United States, Canada, and England, it invests billions of dollars in tobacco companies. According to a report of a study published in the medical journal, The New England Journal of Medicine.

Wesley Boyd, the study's lead author, found at least 4.4 billion dollars in insurance company funds invested in companies associated with tobacco products, cigars, and chewing tobacco (chewing).

"Although the doctors have asked these companies to come out of the cigarette business, but they still take advantage of the health of the people," said Boyd, the faculty at Harvard Medical School. "It is clear, their main priority is to make money, not health care," he wrote.

Tobacco is considered as the main cause of lung cancer and main risk factors for heart attack, stroke, lung disease, and cancer. According to the World Health Organization, tobacco contributed to the 5.4 million deaths per year.

Regarding insurance companies that invest in the tobacco industry, is not really new news. Earlier in the year 1995 it was reported in a British medical journal, Lancet.

"While investing in tobacco companies, while selling life insurance or health, may seem to embarrass myself, but can reap huge profits from those two things is more important for these companies," writes Boyd.

"Insurance does not include protection for smokers, or they charged high premiums. Insurance profit-and loss-smokers twice," said Boyd.

Based on Boyd's report, the U.S. insurance company, Prudential Financial Inc., has 264.3 million U.S. dollar investment in three U.S. tobacco companies, including Reynolds America and Philip Morris. Meanwhile, the Canadian insurer, Sun Life Financial Inc., which sells life insurance policies, disability insurance (disability), and health insurance have a stock portfolio with a value of more than one billion dollars in two tobacco companies, including U.S. $ 890 million in Philip Morris.

Prudential Plc, which sells health insurance policy and disability insurance, has a 1.38 billion U.S. dollars in the two tobacco companies, including British American Tobacco (BAT). The study also details the major investments in tobacco companies from the U.S. insurance company, Northwestern Mutual and Massachusetts Mutual Life, and Scottish companies, Standard Life Plc.