Why Health Insurance Cost So Much!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Health Insurance Claims

Health insurance claims

Addressed all your Medicare claims to the Company through the agency of Allianz madeallianz. This will help us in doing archiving files and accompaniment claim process very well.

It is important. That having health insurance, it does not solve the entire problem of financial risk your health. Because health insurance only protects the insured terhadp health risks that may be occurring in the future, rather than risk the obvious and has occurred. In this case, health insurance products must have a general provision called the Health Insurance Policy Exclusions. Based on our experience during this assistance, it is suggested that do not use your entire health budget to buy Health Insurance policy. Set aside 25% as a reserve to cover the things that may be excluded in your health insurance policy. Although we have delivered in the beginning, but it remains unpaid claims will be things that are fun for customers as well as agents madeallianz companion.

Health insurance is a very unique, because it has a limited exemption in addition to policyholders, claims the process is happening in dire need of extra service commitment. This is one thing that can not be measured in terms of quantity or value of the premium. madeallianz fully aware, that the assistance we do claim that it is not easy. However, this remains our focus to provide the BEST at customer support madeallianz with.

Have Health Insurance Claims Rates Very High and Complex

Have health insurance claims rates very high and complex. Therefore, make sure you choose an insurance agent who can provide assistance in intensive claims process.

The process is the moment of proof claim insurance on the insured promises. This is the main thing will be a customer focus, escort agencies, and companies. In this case, to reconcile the rights and obligations of customer (the insured) with the rights and obligations of the company (insurer). When, all the terms and conditions have been fulfilled according to claim Medicare policy, then none of the insurance company can deny the claim or not paying the benefits protection. All is explained in detail in the Policy book and every insurance policy has a guarantee of legal certainty in the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.

Communicate always against all things which your insurance needs to madeallianz (Including Health Insurance CLAIM you), so we get the opportunity to provide professional mentoring & committed. Has become our daily activities to always serve and assist Customer from beginning the process of buying, the filing of the claim until the realization of the payment of claims. We are confident, sincere commitment to this profession will build long-term relationship that is more meaningful to get to SUCCESS.

Allianz Health Insurance For Individuals and Collection of Employees

Allianz health insurance for individuals and collection of Employees

There are also employee welfare programs (Employee Benefit)
such as: Life Insurance collection, Severance Fund, and Financial Institutions Pension Fund.

Health insurance is the insurance needs of the most important before you have an insurance program and other investments. Since health is your basic capital to perform various activities of this life. The high pollution and the capital of the pattern of life needs no regular exercise and rest is not enough, as well as eating more instant now, all of that to further improve the HEALTH RISK. Thus, opportunities for the sick person is very high. While health or medical costs are increasingly expensive, especially the cost of hospital and medical supplies. Therefore, immediately protect yourself, family or employees with health insurance program BEST.

In general, the product consists of Health Insurance Benefit Health and Health. These two products have a very fundamental difference.

Health insurance will provide reimbursement based on the receipt of medical bills, according to plan health insurance policy benefits. Health Insurance Benefit Cross can be done, namely make a claim to more than one insurance company or the remainder of the difference in just using a copy of a file that has been legalized by the previous insurance.

Health Benefit will provide appropriate reimbursement amount per contract is planned every day patient inapnya. This health benefit can do Double Benefit, which is double the claim to more than one insurance company to the benefit of each intact. This may be a substitute for compensation of lost income per day due to risk of hospitalization.

Main advantage of all the products of Allianz Health Insurance:

  • Standard QUALITY service and has experienced many years of directly managing their own health insurance programs and individual collection. This professional system called "Allianz Health Care Management".
  • 24-hour protection 365 days since the beginning of membership (without the waiting period).
  • Available options with claims in the cashless card system hospital providers and Reimbursement systems in all hospitals / clinics in the world without exception.
  • Available Network Provider Hospitals Allianz very broad (approximately 400-an) in the entire territory of Indonesia.
  • Available Network Provider Hospitals ad-Medika which is also very widespread in all parts of Indonesia.
  • There are products for individuals and group health insurance as well as Sharia.
  • Available options are very complete protection, such as Inpatient, Street, Maternity, Dental, and Glass Eye.
  • The claim is certain, namely a maximum 14 working days since the file is received complete by the central office.
  • Assistance claims by insurance agents madeallianz with team support and team dealer claims that progress reports be submitted online at the Customer Website.
Health Care Management System is doing some things IMPORTANT:

  • Pre authorization to ensure patients are participants who are still in the health insurance Allianz Insurance policies and benefits provided in accordance with the Plan Benefit in policy.
  • Quality Management Services to establish conditions for service providers throughout the hospital in accordance with the provisions of services the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and regularly audit the quality of services received by participants.
  • Service 24 hours / day with 365 call center systems are ready to give assistance and complaints of participants in a consistent and professional.
ADVANTAGE addition to Allianz Health Insurance:

Individual health insurance
  • Violet Maxi program can cover the entire nuclear family members in a health insurance policy.
  • Have insurance policy renewal until the age of 70 years (Article 2 point 6 of: "Can Extended Warranty Insurance Policy or Renewebility Guaranteed Policy")
  • Has Plan Inpatient, Outpatient, Maternity Care, and Outpatient dental benefits to groups 1,000,000 / day.
  • Inner Benefit Has a very comprehensive with a broader restriction.
  • Benefit Claims which are not limited to its accumulation in a year or without a maximum annual limit.
  • Available options in the program and the rupiah currency U.S. Dollar.
  • Available options Sharia Health Insurance Program and non-Sharia.
  • Facilities can claim to use cashless card systems with provider hospitals and Ad-medika Reimbursement system from any hospital around the world without exception.
  • Progress claims via SMS to Mobile customer at any time by the head office to claim the Reimbursement system.
  • There are many interesting DISCOUNTS for no claim bonus, family packages, and package savings protection.
CAUSE Health Insurance in the separation with the Life Insurance?
  • Inflation is very high on the cost of doctors, hospitals and drug prices, and all that obatannya unpredictable or calculated at the beginning, especially for planning the next decades. Thus, if there are adjustments to future insurance costs due to inflation, it will not alter the balance of illustrations that Link Units we agreed at the beginning. This will give a sense of security that much better and do not affect each other on each plan.
  • CLAIM health insurance is very high, so that the customer requires a commitment of more intensive assistance. If the service agencies and assistance or not the company's commitment in line with expectations at the beginning, then buy a separate policy will provide flexibility that is far better to conduct the evaluation.
Health Insurance Collection
  • This product is very flexible Smarthealth (tailormade), because it could be adjustments to the various things to find the appropriate premium to the company's needs and budget.
  • Exceptions Allianz Health Insurance Policy that is more simple and clear, where there are no exceptions to specific diseases or specific drug.
  • Has Plan Inpatient, Outpatient, Maternity Care, Care of teeth, and glass eyes to the benefits 1,200,000 / day.
  • The minimum membership is 10 participants (not employees).
  • Facilities claim to use Allianz cashless card using the hospital network providers directly managed by Allianz (not by third parties), where the difference is paid by Allianz claims that later in the bill to the company.
  • Also available Claim facility using cashless card ad-Medika, where the difference between claims paid directly by the participants.
  • Available Limmit iner systems, limitiations Annual, and As Charge.
  • Available product choices in rupiah and U.S. dollar.
  • And there is a slot other facilities.