Why Health Insurance Cost So Much!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Health Insurance Is Not Expensive And Useful To You

Health insurance is not expensive and useful to you

My in-laws 61-year-old traffic accident and need to undergo brain surgery. Fortunately, the operation went well and he was well again.

Only, he was forced to deplete his savings accumulated for years because of hospital costs up to Rp 20 million. I can not imagine if he had no savings, how the difficulties to be faced.

I just got married a year ago. Although our family only, we are planning a health insurance customers. We feel today's health care costs increasingly expensive and these costs can not be expected. We have insured the car, because it is sensible we also entered the health insurance. Is not God good health is very valuable to be well maintained?

We've had enough health insurance plan and we have contacted several companies. However, we still have difficulty in choosing health insurance. We're being cautious because we're afraid the wrong choice. In terms of funding we have leeway. My wife and I work so that relief funds have to pay insurance premiums.

We are especially careful after hearing many complaints an insurance participants were disappointed with the health insurance services in Indonesia. Some of our acquaintances and even choose a foreign health insurance on the consideration is more reliable and more extensive service coverage. Apparently health insurance services in Indonesia doubt. What was promised was in accordance with the services provided.

He said, at the time offered an insurance policy officer described it easy. If enough customers fell ill just thinking about the pain and the insurance company that will clean up all the costs. In practice, many exceptions that must be considered.

As a doctor who often serve patients who have health insurance, whether the doctor can recommend a company good health insurance? Anything that must be considered before choosing a health insurance? Doctor's advice we needed because I was the financial sector, while the architect's wife. Thus, we lack an understanding of health insurance. Thank you for the explanation Doctor.