Why Health Insurance Cost So Much!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Health Through Financing Social Health Insurance

Health Through Financing Social Health Insurance

Health financing has increased from time to time and felt good weight by government, particularly the business community in general. For that many countries choose the type of health financing system for his people, who applied nationally. The dominant models of implementation adapted to the situation in their respective countries.
Some of the dominant model is:
1. Model of social health insurance (Social Health Insurance). This model was pioneered since Germany under Bismarck in 1882. This model is developed in several European countries, Japan (since 1922) and then to the State, other Asian countries namely the Philippines, Korea, Taiwan etc.. The advantages of this system allows 100% population coverage and the relatively low increase in health service costs.
2. Model of commercial health insurance (Commercial / Private Health Insurance). This model developed in the United States. However, this system failed to reach 100% population coverage. Approximately 38% of the population not included in the system. Besides the cost increases are very large because of moral hazard opportunity. Since the year 1993; by the World Bank recommended the development of a model where the Regulated Health Insurance membership based group with a certain minimum amount requirement, thereby reducing the chance of moral hazard
3. Model NHS (National Health Services) who pioneered the British government since the second world war ended. This model also opens opportunities 100% population coverage. However, health financing is secured through the government budget will be a heavy burden.
Health Insurance

Sick individual risk groups

The law of lsrge number

Uncertainty must


1. Paying Premiums / Fees (Small) Benefit / compensation of large

2. Protect participants from risk (economics)

Among the various models, the social health insurance choice in many countries. The use of the term insurance in this program is because of an aspect of risk transfer (economics) because of illness and the legal requirements the law of the large number. Tendency (universal) from the implementation of social health insurance are:

1. That the social health insurance programs starting from formal groups, labor, and then develop the non-formal groups and self-employed. Program for the poor are often developed as part of a group of non-formal, or developed independently of each depend on state policies. Social health insurance programs in various countries showed an increase throughout the population to access health facilities and the cost control.
2. In many countries, this program begins with several agencies, but organizers will decrease the amount. Starting with the cooperation / coordination among various agencies organizer, then the merger that eventually became a provider agency which conducted a national program (for example; Taiwan, South Korea). Thus the bargaining power greater penyelengara body, while the law the law of the large number is also growing.

The development of social health insurance in many countries has changed the traditional concept of health insurance where the next social health insurance is not only considered as a system of financing but also the health care system. Therefore, the concept of modern social insurance, health insurance programs base their work on two important issues namely; integration of financial systems (financing of healthcare) and system services (delivery of healthcare) are efficient and effective.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Health Insurance Company to the Company's investments Why Smoke?

Health Insurance Company to the Company's investments Why Smoke?

Who would have thought, turned out to insurance companies engaged in the health and life insurance in the United States, Canada, and England, it invests billions of dollars in tobacco companies. According to a report of a study published in the medical journal, The New England Journal of Medicine.

Wesley Boyd, the study's lead author, found at least 4.4 billion dollars in insurance company funds invested in companies associated with tobacco products, cigars, and chewing tobacco (chewing).

"Although the doctors have asked these companies to come out of the cigarette business, but they still take advantage of the health of the people," said Boyd, the faculty at Harvard Medical School. "It is clear, their main priority is to make money, not health care," he wrote.

Tobacco is considered as the main cause of lung cancer and main risk factors for heart attack, stroke, lung disease, and cancer. According to the World Health Organization, tobacco contributed to the 5.4 million deaths per year.

Regarding insurance companies that invest in the tobacco industry, is not really new news. Earlier in the year 1995 it was reported in a British medical journal, Lancet.

"While investing in tobacco companies, while selling life insurance or health, may seem to embarrass myself, but can reap huge profits from those two things is more important for these companies," writes Boyd.

"Insurance does not include protection for smokers, or they charged high premiums. Insurance profit-and loss-smokers twice," said Boyd.

Based on Boyd's report, the U.S. insurance company, Prudential Financial Inc., has 264.3 million U.S. dollar investment in three U.S. tobacco companies, including Reynolds America and Philip Morris. Meanwhile, the Canadian insurer, Sun Life Financial Inc., which sells life insurance policies, disability insurance (disability), and health insurance have a stock portfolio with a value of more than one billion dollars in two tobacco companies, including U.S. $ 890 million in Philip Morris.

Prudential Plc, which sells health insurance policy and disability insurance, has a 1.38 billion U.S. dollars in the two tobacco companies, including British American Tobacco (BAT). The study also details the major investments in tobacco companies from the U.S. insurance company, Northwestern Mutual and Massachusetts Mutual Life, and Scottish companies, Standard Life Plc.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Health Insurance Program and Acting Minister Premium Donate 24 Million

Health Insurance Program and Acting Minister Premium Donate 24 Million

Minister of health insurance programs and certain officials conducted by PT Asuransi Kesehatan Indonesia (Askes) estimated only contributed premiums of USD 24 billion per year. So it was made by Director Askes.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Health Insurance: Provides a Comprehensive Health Insurance Services

Health Insurance: Provides a Comprehensive Health Insurance Services

Health is the pearl of human life. Therefore, employee health and company officials is important. Because disruption of employees 'health is a disruption of employees' health is a disruption of production processes and firm performance.

For that we create products hexa comprehensive health insurance not only to act but also inpatient outpatient measures and prevention. This will improve the performance of the employee because the welfare and health has been protected by Insurance companies, Health and Pensions reliable.

We create products that hexa Health Insurance products include:
  • Hex Managed Care
  • Hex Medicare
  • Hex Hospicare
  • Hex Medicash
  • Hex Global Health Care
  • Hex Senior Care
Range of products designed Hex Health Insurance company needs. For a large group can be designed health insurance program separate hex comprehensive and specific.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

Affordable Health Insurance And Good For You

Affordable health insurance and good for you

One of the problems in our health service is the health financing. Approximately 70 percent of the cost of Indonesia to finance their own doctor or hospital, while health costs continue to rise. Increasingly sophisticated medical technology increasingly expensive health costs.

Increased health costs not only happen in Indonesia, but throughout the world. Factors that increase the cost of the price of medicines, medical equipment, as well as honoraria doctors, although doctors honoraria element is merely a small part of overall health costs.

Although we have health care carefully, the disease can come unexpectedly. Traffic accidents like that of your in-laws, for example, is a frequent event in Indonesia's family, and even some 30,000 people die every year due to traffic accidents. Thus, it is wise to familiarize yourself Indonesia families protect themselves with health insurance. Regularly pay a premium, if fallen ill with the assistance of health insurance that does not burden the family expenses. We often see families who have debt to pay for hospital costs.

Actually, in my experience, today's health insurance in Indonesia is quite good. Support health insurance will depend on agreement between the customer and insurance companies. The greater the premium paid more complete support for insurance.

Therefore, you need to look at the support of health insurance coverage before choosing health insurance. Does coverage include outpatient services and inpatient? Is there a particular disease that is not guaranteed insurance company?

Also to note where the service. Are you able to choose doctors or hospitals you want or are limited to hospitals that have been appointed? All should be noted, including when the guarantee came into force effectively. For example, there are certain health insurance just beginning guarantee after 30 days after the signing of the agreement.

Health insurance services is now very varied. In addition to offering financial guarantees when ill, there is combine them with certain services, such as premiums are paid in part shall be applied as a savings or investment.

This offer is certainly interesting, but usually offered insurance premiums will be greater too. In addition, those who actually join the insurance program at a young age will get some ease, for example, no medical examination required and also to remember insurance premiums will increase with increasing age of the customer. So, come in health insurance at a young age.

Although you and your family will already be a customer of health insurance, healthy lifestyle should remain obliged. It's certainly better than the ill health though health insurance costs are covered. So, do not leave a healthy lifestyle has become a customer even though health insurance.

I understand the challenges facing young families today's Indonesia. I feel glad to place your family's health as an important element that needs attention. Well, I hope you and your family will be healthy and happy always.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Refund A Portion Of Pension Insurance

Refund a portion of pension insurance

Request refund some money for retirement insurance is paid each month can be done after the participants return to your internship country. Will be refunded the money will be transferred through a bank account with a record of apprentice participant in the transfer amount is income after taxes.

Some examples of types of pension insurance :
1. pension annuity insurance contract
2. how 412i insurance pension annuity works
3. employer 412 pension annuity insurance contract
4. employer 412i insurance pension annuity contract sample
5. example 412 pension annuity insurance contract
6. health insurance trends for pension plans
7. life insurance corporation pension & group scheme vadodara
8. sample 412 pension annuity insurance contract
9. alexander hamilton 412 pension annuity insurance contract
10. certificate course in pension and insurance massachusetts
11. ecclesiastical insurance pension
12. government pension insurance
13. health insurance for ohio police and fire disability pension
14. pension and benefits insurance brokers maritime provinces
15. uk pension national insurance contribution

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Health Insurance Is Not Expensive And Useful To You

Health insurance is not expensive and useful to you

My in-laws 61-year-old traffic accident and need to undergo brain surgery. Fortunately, the operation went well and he was well again.

Only, he was forced to deplete his savings accumulated for years because of hospital costs up to Rp 20 million. I can not imagine if he had no savings, how the difficulties to be faced.

I just got married a year ago. Although our family only, we are planning a health insurance customers. We feel today's health care costs increasingly expensive and these costs can not be expected. We have insured the car, because it is sensible we also entered the health insurance. Is not God good health is very valuable to be well maintained?

We've had enough health insurance plan and we have contacted several companies. However, we still have difficulty in choosing health insurance. We're being cautious because we're afraid the wrong choice. In terms of funding we have leeway. My wife and I work so that relief funds have to pay insurance premiums.

We are especially careful after hearing many complaints an insurance participants were disappointed with the health insurance services in Indonesia. Some of our acquaintances and even choose a foreign health insurance on the consideration is more reliable and more extensive service coverage. Apparently health insurance services in Indonesia doubt. What was promised was in accordance with the services provided.

He said, at the time offered an insurance policy officer described it easy. If enough customers fell ill just thinking about the pain and the insurance company that will clean up all the costs. In practice, many exceptions that must be considered.

As a doctor who often serve patients who have health insurance, whether the doctor can recommend a company good health insurance? Anything that must be considered before choosing a health insurance? Doctor's advice we needed because I was the financial sector, while the architect's wife. Thus, we lack an understanding of health insurance. Thank you for the explanation Doctor.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Health Insurance Is Right For You

Health insurance is right for you

Provides an umbrella before it rains. That's the right phrase when we have planning in anticipation of the worst in terms of financing, including health. In an age which is too complex, have health insurance seems more important considering the cost of care and treatment more expensive and unpredictable.

The following are types and types of insurance: travel insurance, pet insurance, medical insurance, nationwide insurance, home insurance, affordable health insurance, car insurance quotes, motorcycle insurance, geico insurance, insurance quotes, term life insurance, american family insurance.

Monday, September 14, 2009

3 (Three) Types Of Life Insurance | Health Insurance | Life Insurance

3 (Three) Types Of Life Insurance | Health Insurance | Life Insurance| global health insurance

Basically there are 3 (three) types of life insurance are:
  1. Term Assurance
  2. Whole Life Assurance
  3. Endowment Assurance

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Life Insurance: Global Health Insurance

Life Insurance: global health insurance

Is another type of life insurance that will pay the insured amount when the insured dies at any time. Is a permanent policy is not limited to the policy expiration date as the term assurance. Because the claim was going to happen then the premium will be more expensive than term assurance premiums, where the claim is only possible. Whole-life policy is a substantive and policy is often used as protection in loans.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Socialized Insurance

socialized insurance: global health insurance

In order to join the insurance socialized into the middle of the community. hopefully can become the media contribute to thoughts of insurance professionals who struggled in the field of underwriting and claims. Adequate understanding will make insurance workers can carry out their duties professionally by upholding professional ethics carried.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Why Should Health And Life Insurance

Why Should Health And Life Insurance

Life Insurance and Health Insurance is required primarily for self-employed and informal workers who do not have health insurance from a company or government agency.

An entrepreneur like me if ill or disabled because of an accident will have a lot of financial losses / financially because they have to bear the cost of treatment and can not work for a living. Others as if someone working in a company or a government employee, they usually get health insurance that will cover the cost if the hospital and paid fixed monthly salaries. (But not all companies provide decent health insurance lho)

Before you decide what insurance products, from insurance companies which I highly recommend to compare different products, types of products from several insurance companies. Do not rush to buy insurance products without understanding the clarity of rights and obligations if we take an insurance product.

Some tips from me to choose insurance products:
  • Determine the benefits of whatever protection we need
  • Look for information of insurance products according to our needs by collecting brochures from different companies or websites to find information on insurance companies
  • Ask the agency in more detail about these products as a whole until details of the calculation of the allocation of funds we pay for everything
  • Do not believe what insurance agents say, because they are not necessarily well understood by the products they offer.
  • Ask for an illustration made dicetakkan benefits insurance products, premiums to be paid and the allocation of premiums to be paid wherever
  • Learn the contents of the illustrations in the house with a relaxed and thoroughly, do not rush to conclusions, ask a better idea if there is not yet clear
  • Compare products from various insurance companies, which provide the greatest benefit with the least expensive premiums, but also find out whether the company info bona fide or not
  • Do not just BASED on the best insurance award from a magazine, but you should really know how to calculate the insurance costs
  • Determine your choice of insurance products after all you really understand
  • After determining and deciding to buy an insurance product we will accept an insurance policy that contains a binding agreement between the customer and the insurance company, study the contents policy, customers are usually given 14 days a chance to cancel the policy.
That was a few tips from me so you do not regret one day if you buy an insurance product without really understanding the rights, obligations and comparisons with other products.

One more suggestion I as a customer who had been deceived by an insurance product "Do not buy Life Insurance and Health Unit Link associated with investment". Trust unit-linked products very expensive the cut, you better take health insurance and pure and invest money into Mutual Funds separately.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Trusted World Insurance

Trusted World Insurance, Financial Planning, Financial Best Investment Strategy, Investment & Business Opportunities.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How To Choose The United Insurance Company Reinsurance?

How To Choose The United Insurance Company Reinsurance?

What factors affect the insurance companies in the United States in choosing a reinsurance company? Values whatever they use as a guide? How does the role of broker?

It turned out that the factors most dominant are:
  1. Re companies are financially secure
  2. Easy to work with
  3. Competitive Pricing
  4. Good grades by Rating Agencies
  5. Credible underwriter
  6. Authority underwriters
  7. Consistency of underwriting decisions
  8. Open to negotiation
  9. Always provide choices
  10. Genuine attention
  11. There is no guarantee settlement of claims
  12. Consistency prices
  13. Underwriter accessible
  14. Speed in the handling of documents
  15. Low interaction costs
  16. Superior in Casualty business
  17. Programs have a creative and innovative
  18. Having a large capacity for businesses Casualty
  19. Respected brokers
  20. Having the quality of a good resolution of claims
  21. Has a staff of skilled and flexible
  22. Facultative ability high
  23. Have the ability to do all the programs
  24. Providing solutions that are not common
  25. Has a capacity of multi-line
  26. Can provide a turn-key products
  27. Have the capacity to provide Integrated Products
  28. Has a high capacity for Property business
  29. Having qualified actuary
  30. Data have good actuarial
  31. Having a large capacity for the Property Catastrophe
  32. Have a great capacity for business property
  33. Modeling ability
  34. Have the capability of dynamic financial analysis
What is interesting is the six of the top fifteen factors closely related to inter-personal relationships, proving that the market for the already very complex even inter-personal relationships remain an important factor.

Ranking becomes very important in America because it will affect the position of the enterprise in the capital markets which will lead to financial performance.

The sixth factor related to whether the underwriters Re has sufficient authority or she is still too often seek approval from his superiors.

The order of the sixteenth to thirty are factors about Re's ability to produce products that may be required by the insurance company. Innovations including new programs (17) and provide solutions that are not common (24).

About the role of reinsurance broker, was only 19% of insurance companies that will always use a broker in placing reasuransinya, 25% would rather do it myself and found that nearly 30% of insurance companies in America have no preference whether to always use a broker or not the placement reasuransinya business.

Amid the conditions under which reinsurance broker Broker-merged and consolidated, they showed increased role in the American market. But an increasing number of reinsurance premiums channeled through these brokers are not lacks the increasing role of brokers as the advice to

insurance companies. Insurance companies more in need of a broker because they know well the reinsurance market, not because of their ability to give advice on how to run an insurance company (one of the functions is a trend that brokers in the USA).

One of the most desirable condition by insurance companies in America is a condition in which the reinsurance companies are willing and able to understand the philosophy of underwriting, claims and their corporate objectives. And this may be obtained if the approach taken by the reinsurance companies conducted in an atmosphere of the approach as a valuable partner rather than as a seller and buyer.